Clérigos Carrillon will echo in the city of Porto with Christmas music

Torre dos Clérigos from Porto presents a diversified agenda in the month of December. Open doors at the exhibition by ceramist Delfim Manuel dedicated to the “Good Shepherd” and a special program to mark the anniversary of Torre dos Clérigos are some of the highlights.

© Wendell Adriel/Usplash

The 49 bells of the Carillon of the Clérigos Tower will ring throughout the month of December. Simultaneously with the initiative that started on December 1st, Torre dos Clérigos opens the doors of the temporary exhibition space of its museum to the exhibition “Comigo Viverás”, by ceramist Delfim Manuel. Present until the 8th of January, the exhibition brings together ten representative pieces of the iconography “The Good Shepherd”.

On December 12th, the date on which the anniversary of the Clérigos Tower is celebrated, the highlight falls on the “Nicolau Nasoni” guided tours (at 10:00 am, 11:00 am, 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm), the concert with two pipe organs (at 12:00 pm) and at the anniversary mass (at 5 pm) at the Clérigos Church.

Below you will find some of the concerts worth mentioning in December and January of next year:

Until 12/31 (16:00) - Christmas music by carillon from the Clérigos Tower.

December 10 (11:00 am) - “Christmas Traditions”: Rui Soares at the carillon of the Clérigos Tower accompanied by a choir, Outside balcony of the Clérigos Tower.

December 15 (21:30) - Christmas play “Gospel, with Jesus Christ”, Clérigos Church.

16 December (18h00) - Christmas Concert by the Rectory of the University of Porto: Orphean of the University of Porto, Clérigos Church.

December 17 (16:00) - “Christmas Traditions”: Rui Soares at the carillon of the Clérigos Tower accompanied by a choir, outside balcony of the Clérigos Tower

December 18 (3:30 pm) - Concert by Coro Lira: Magical Christmas concert with Coro Lira for adults and children and young people, Igreja dos Clérigos.

December 26 (15:00) -“Music on the Balcony”: Opera Trio, outside Balcony of the Clérigos Tower.

December 28 (15h00) - “Music on the Balcony”.

December 30 (3:00 pm) - “Music on the Balcony”: Brass Quintet, outside Balcony of the Clérigos Tower.


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